Who ist the explorer of the Magical Worlds?
After having lived in Brittany then in Ireland, here I am now in Alsace.
What animated and built me, what fed my creative process, yesterday as today, are the following things.
I grew up roaming the worlds of role-playing games, devouring "The Books You Are the Hero", then browsing RPGs and MMORPGs on my computer, bewitched by endless landscapes and haunting music.
I fed on films, series, comics and each discovery came to grow my own imagination, my inner world.
The long walks in the mountains, in the forest, with my father and the transmission of his respect for nature, his stories about the kingdom of fairies and his botanical knowledge.
Hikes with my friends and our flamboyant imagination, evenings by the fireside to share stories and memories...
How many parallel worlds were there, how vast were they… I continue again and again this exciting exploration, passionate about this “alternative” reality.
Creative approach
She is at a crossroads, rooted in the imagination.
My "visions" are the legacy of creative work that I started in visual arts in high school.
At the time, it was about shaping real memories, happy or unhappy, mapping them, listing them and then sending them back into the world of memories.
So, at the end of my plastic arts course, I offered each of my works to my friends, so that they would be the guardians of my memories.
One of the creations is still buried in the schoolyard, and if I forget what was buried, I remember the moment of sharing and the emotion felt.
Today is the memory of my imaginary, dreamlike, past, present and future journeys, to which I give life.
Some have already begun their new lives, some are mine forever, and some are waiting to travel with you.
For the dioramas, there will be a user manual, its history, because I want to give you an experience. The dioramas will be delivered with a certificate of authenticity. For the jewels, some will have a story, others not, but they are part of these Magical worlds.
Imagination knows no restrictions, and for this reason,
I wish to invite you to a motionless journey, a window on another world, which makes the link with ours.
A few minutes to escape and become a Hero, an Explorer, a Witness... to escape and take the time to take a dreamlike break.
Feel the worlds and reconnect them to each other.